The Hyper-Boule
Symbolising Involvement

Astrology is intended to help us resolve issues on time and timing>
As you may know, in Relativity Theory time and Space are connected.
That means that all we can do in space, we can also do in time.
the difference is that in time, and timing, we are operating on/in the interface.

This is particularly the case of/for/in our living body.
Our body as a whole is a process, which exists in balance with/in our context.
Our whole body operates as a system boundary; and interfacing dynamic.
That means that everything we experience, needs to be understood in this manner.

Astrology offers a  language to understand and describe this.
The whole language system is based on the concept of cycles.
All of those cycles are interrelated; astrology helps understand this.
It is a modular Modulo language, to understand the (u)linking of process cycles.

In everything we do in life we operate Freedom of Choice, to operate our Involvement.
This changes the way we relate to, and experience, our environment.
We do this (in our body) by shifting the system boundary (more/less open/closed).
The symbols of astrology describe this dynamic, based on the concept of a Möbius Loop.

    We all interface with our environment.
    Our whole body is and interface, which responds to our involvement.
    Our body organs together are linked in a set of interwoven cycles.
    Together they form a Möbius loop; linking inside and outside.

Many cultures associate the planets of the zodiac with the organs of the body.
In that sense, the planets represents shifts in involvement.
The following diagram indicates how the planets relate to our participation in creation.
Each of the planets is part of a pair, in which the elements complement each other.





south node












north node





2D representation of the 4D dynamic of creation

Relating the Part to the Whole

Instead of focusing on the planets of astrology as objects of astronomy, we can understand the manner in which they represent our changes in involvement with/in creation.
Rather than interpreting the planets of astrology as mental/emotional state indicators, we can understand them directly in association with metabolism of organs.
We immediately see the relationship between seasonal rhythms and cycles of organs.
It then all revolves around the changes in closure of such metabolic cycles of experience.

We all experience how the Earth gets closer to the sun or moves farther away.
We all have experience with emotional ‘heating’ and ‘cooling’.
Our body chemistry is based on that same concept: as shifts in acid-base-balance.
It all deals with a shift of the balance of the interface, which relates a Part to the Whole.

  • The planets represents the organ functions
  • The organs forma Möbius Loop, integrating ‘outside’ and ‘inside’
  • Together this defines the interface of our body with its inverse: the uniVerse.
  • It is all about the balance of/in the system boundary; the integrity in the integration of the part in/to the whole.

Relating to Dimensions

Astrology addresses the dynamics of systems.
Especially, how natural rhythms affect our behaviour.
This goes further than menstrual cycle and seasonal fluctuations.
It pertains to more than temperature changes to the states, and phases, of matter.

Astrology relates to alchemy.
Alchemy describes the transmutation of matter.
Many regard that as the transitions between solid, liquid, gas and plasma; as we experience also in our living body.
More important is that, and how, this addresses the corresponding changes between dimensions.

Where Alchemy describes this from the perspective of state/phase, astrology describes this from process/time; and timing.
All these relative/relativistic dynamics involve ll of these material states/phases.
This defines/determines the central symbol(ism) of 'astrology', the Zodiac.
It is based on the 4 phases of matter, in the way they relate to each other: as a 4x4 matrix.

Therein, each of the 4 'Elements' relates to 'itself', defining the 4 Alchemical phases.
That leaves 12 elements which are arranges as a cycle; as basis for a Modulo dynamics.
This is equivalent to Ouroubouos; the symbol for a self-repeating cycle.

Consciousness -> Energy -> Time -> Space

The following image shows how space, time, energy and consciousness are related.
Each of the four diagrams operates in different dimensions.
Together these diagrams recapitulate the principle which Alchemy describes.

  1. Level 1 represents Alchemy, the material phases (photon, electromagnetism, acid-base-chemistry, and material phase states.
  2. Level 2 represents Astrology: the internal processes linking the different phase states, including 'invariance', the change between same states.
  3. Level 3 is known as I Ching; the interfase states, which are innerphase-interphase states, which de-termine all processes of materialisation (including the resonant states which Astrology describes).
  4. Level 4 is known in a reduced form, as the Sephiroth; the fractal of light; which is a 4D Tesseract which defines a 'skeleton' for operating the Degrees of Freedom, a.k.a. Freedom of choice, which is based on the operation of dimensional changes by operating our core competence in our participation in creation: moderating our involvement.

We do this by modifying the/our interface.
This affects the interfacing (regulatory system) of our body.

  • Level 4 exists as  a Tesseract, a 4D 'cube'.
  • Level 3 exists as a 3D cube.
  • Level 2 'exists' as a 2D 'cube'.
  • Level 1 is a 1D 'cube'.

(y)Our participation in creation

All operations of Alchemy, Astrology, I Ching and The Fractal of Light refer to dimensional operations.
That means that they do not refer to the 3D physical states of Classical Science.
Level 1. 2 3 & 4 extend the understanding and models of, respectively, Classical, Relativistic, Probabilistic and ‘Creatistic’ models.
The 4 Levels all deal with aspects of our own involvement in creation.

They each deal with the consecutive dimensional effects of our involvement in creation.
In Astrology, this is represented b the Planets.
All planets refer to a relativistic phase shift in the process cycles.
This resets the interface (level 2) of the (level 3) system transformation due to (level 4) shifts in realisation.

Reality vs. Realisation

Science seeks to understand the  outcome of manifestation; they create models based on the invariant state.
They disregard all aspects of human participation in creation.
In fact they invert (and thereby: pervert) this; they regard humans from the perspective of cadavers/zombies/robots/machines.
This approach for realisation is based on the equivalent to a laser beam in a hologram model.

Magic offers a complement to the "scientific" model.
It, so to say, regards the properties of the hologram field.
This pertains to the Schrödinger model that /all/ of reality is the result of wave/field interaction.
Crucial in that model is the ability to change the (dimensional) phase/state.

"Magic", from Sanskrit 'Magd', refers to the power for creation.
This is based on our creative potential.
That again is based on the possibility for participation in creation.
This operates by our use of Freedom of Choice - modifying the interface connecting/separating the part in/to/of the whole.

This means that it is not enough to understand inertia, as described by science.
This merely is the ‘carrier wave’ on which we base our participation in creation.
Albeit that cosmology shows that this resonant/standing/carrier wave is the result of the emerging of patterns by the ‘orchestration’ of Freedom of Choice.
Manifestation (noun) is not a cause but a consequence of cosmological creation manifestation (verb).

The Symbols of Astrology






south node










north node





The symbols of astrology address the balance of the interface, expressed as cycles.
The vertical axis in the middle, represents the interface of balance (equilibrium).
A cycle balancing an interface is known as a lemniscate or Möbius Loop.
Our organs (together) function as a system interface, i.e. a Möbius Loop.

The symbols of Astrology of the Zodiac specify the interfacing balance.
Mercury, represents the focussing pivot (cf. the one point focus forebrain).
Pluto represents its complement: embedding in the uniVerse (cf. Hind brain, Spine).
The planets in-between are the equivalent of the grasp of arms, body and legs.

Venus & Mars address what we can grasp with our hands and operate on.
Jupiter and Saturn denote what operate on and in our body, and defines us.
Neptune and Uranos relates to what is underfoot, and determines us.
Pluto and Mercury refer to the same as the axis on/of/by which we function.

All of them refer to polarity (as in a Möbius Loop or lemnioscate cycle).
It is characteristic for this culture that they misrepresented this principle.
Instead of the need for balance within, it was perverted to ‘external forces’.
Jupiter and Saturn in this manner were replaced by God and Devil
(good and the’ evil)
(evil = live - backwards)

This is the representation as used in/for a slave society.
In a society of free humans, it is about the balance within.
This is represented by the glyphs used to denote this balance.
It involves the relationship between crosses and (half) circles:























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